Hatch Red Chile Posole Recipe!

Hatch Red Chile Posole Recipe!

This yummy recipe is from our friends Randy & Carol McMillan at the Fresh Chile Company.

Please to enjoy!


1.5 to 2 pounds of Posole (hominy)
2 jars of The Fresh Chile Co. Red Sauce
2 pounds of pork belly
2 pounds of pork shoulder (not too lean) cut in 1.5 inch pieces
1 pound of bacon
2 medium sized yellow onions cut into 1/2 inch pieces
3 garlic cloves crushed
1 tablespoon oregano
2 teaspoons of ground cumin
2 teaspoons Fresh Chile Co. Posole Seasoning
1 pound sharp cheddar cheese


Step 1: Drain soaked posole and put in large soup pot. Cover with water and bring to boil. Let simmer briskly for 1 hour.

Step 2: Season pork belly and pork shoulder generously with salt and pepper. Brown pork shoulder, pork belly, onion, and garlic. After browning add cumin, oregano, and The Fresh Chile Co. Red Sauce and let simmer for one hour.

Step 3: Combine meat and posole in large soup pot. Add enough water to cover by 2 inches, then return to a brisk simmer. While adding water occasionally and tasting broth for salt, simmer for about 2 1/2 hours more, until meat is tender and posole grains have softened and burst. Skim fat from surface of broth. (At this point, posole can be cooled completely and reheated later. Refrigerate for up to 3 days.)

Step 4: To serve, ladle posole, meat and broth into wide bowls. Pass bowls of diced onions, lime wedges, grated cheese, and oregano, and garnish to taste.

Click here to go the Fresh Chile Company Red Chile Sauce page

Click here for White Corn Posole

Click here Fresh Chile Company Posole Seasoning