
Palace of the Governors
Originally constructed in the early 17th century as Spain's seat of government for what is today the American Southwest, the Palace of the Governors chronicles the history of Santa Fe, as well as New Mexico and the region. This adobe structure, now the state's history museum, was designated a Registered National Historic Landmark in 1960 and an American Treasure in 1999. The Palace of the Governors Photo Archives contains an estimated 1,000,000 items including historic photographic prints, cased photographs, glass plate negatives, film negatives, stereographs, photo postcards, panoramas, color transparencies, and lantern slides. This important collection includes material of regional and national significance, dating from approximately 1850 to the present, covering subject matter that focuses on the history and people of New Mexico and the expansion of the West; anthropology, archaeology, and ethnology of Hispanic and Native American cultures; and smaller collections documenting Europe, Latin America, the Far East, Oceana, and the Middle East. Some of the most important 19th and 20th century photographers of the West are represented in the collection including: Adolph Bandelier, George C. Bennett, Wesley Bradfield, Nicholas Brown, W. C. Brown, W. H. Brown, Joseph Burge, John Candelario, D.B. Chase, W. H. Cobb, Edward S. Curtis, Nathaniel Frucht, Carter Harrison, F. Jay Haynes, John K. Hillers, William Henry Jackson, Charles Lindbergh, Charles Lummis, Karl Moon, Jesse Nusbaum, Timothy H. OSullivan, T. Harmon Parkhurst, H. F. Robinson, Adam Clark Vroman and Ben Wittick among others.
New Mexico Museum of Art
The New Mexico Museum of Art (formerly the Museum of Fine Arts) is one of four museums that comprise the Museum of New Mexico. The New Mexico History Museum/Palace of the Governors is located one block to the east. The Museum of International Folk Art and the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture are located on Museum Hill. The New Mexico Museum of Art began in 1917 as the Art Gallery for the Museum of New Mexico that was then located in the Palace of the Governors. The building helped establish the Pueblo Spanish Revival architectural style.