Chicken with Mole Sauce Recipe!

Chicken with Mole Sauce Recipe!
One of our nice wonderful customers who lives just just South of the (Canadian) Border sent us this simple & tasty recipe. Please to enjoy!
6 bone in chicken thighs - skin removed
1 packet North of the Border Mole Sauce dry mix
2 Cups Chicken Stock or Broth (low sodium)
4 Tbsp olive oil
In deep sided 10" fry pan, heat 2 Tbsp of oil oil. brown chicken on each side for several minutes. Lower heat to a simmer, turn thighs meat side down, cover pan and simmer for 20 minutes. There should be enough liquid generated from the cooking process to nicely simmer the meat to a cooked state.
Meanwhile, heat remaining 2 Tbsp oil and 2 Cups of chicken stock/broth in another smaller stainless frying pan. As this is heating, slowly stir in the dry Mole mix to ensure all lumps are dissolved. Bring to a boil, lower heat to a steady simmer and cook uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the consistency of gravy. Stir occasionally.
Once thickened, add the sauce to the chicken and stir until all pieces are covered in sauce. Cover and let simmer at lower heat level for another 20-30 minutes to insure sauce is absorbed by chicken, and chicken becomes more tender.
Serve over rice, or shred and use in tortillas topped with quacamole, lettuce, and fresh cilantro.